Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Nothing to like here, move along

Following on from the highs of Sunday's run, I went back to see Donna on Monday. she was really pleased with my progress and set about the root cause of my back issues, dysfunctional muscles.  Basically, my lower back is doing the work of my glutes but with even after a week there has been a marked improvement.  Last night I was supposed to run 10km for "Doing it for Dan" but took a wrong turn and ended up doing 6.5km (I will re-do this).  During my run I felt good, breathing was good, no niggles and I was picking up speed as I went - running at forgotten speeds.  When I finished though, within seconds, there was a pain in my right shin.  Judging from the work I had done with Donna I wasn't convinced that was actual the source of the pain, just where it was manifesting.  My calve muscle was very tender, I foam rollered, stretched (and winced) for a good while after but I need to continue to follow the routine and not get disheartened.

Tonight, I think I'll have a bit of a cycle and a trip to the jacuzzi to work on the glutes.

My usual Thursday evening run needs to be adjusted as I'm going out with work colleagues for dinner and beers, not a typical training regime but I'm looking forward to it.

Ideally, back on track on Sunday for the marathon bus. Fingers cross

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